Sunday, February 10, 2013

Comic Con-An important day

Comic Con

Today,08th feb, 2013, i went to comic con. I wanted one or two of my friends to come, but they didnt came. In the morning, i was pretty excited abt it, but as the day progressed, i cud almost predict, even when i didnt wanted to, that ppl and things will try to spoil my mood and try to take away my moment.Anyways I toiled on and my prediction was coming to reality. In evening, boss kept me waiting well past my regular office time, knowingly or unknowlingly, most likely unknowningly since i purposefully didnt tell him, but watever, to spoil it. Still, i tried to slip away and somehow, i went ahead to the event, to get wat i wanted. I roamed there, bought books, tried to have fun, and afterwards, had some good snacks as well. But as i started my walk towards the bus stop, carrying all my "riches from the event", i felt a void in myself,something deep , something yellow,dull and but lil painful, like a smoldered golden pot. I realised i came here, did what i had to do, still im leaving a lonely man. The shops beside me had started to wrap up things, light were blurring and here i was, going home with my head bowed down. It was coming to me now. I have... come far away and lost it.... long ago. My friends, my people. A half smile appears and then dissppears in a flash, ..while i keep walking towards the bus stop. I wanted to share my little event, and wanted just few smiles, few basic words, maybe :/ ... something to remembee the evening by. That's wat was missing. Anyways, The bus came and i boarded it.As i managed to get a seat, i remembered though that i have tried. I have tried to accomodate them in my life, i always try to include them, i have been inviting them for some time now.If they dont want to come, no more. The enormity of just me in my life, suddenly hit mt with hard force, but i could see things better now. I remembered few lines of a famous folk song here"Jodi tor daak sune keu na aase, tobe ekla cholo re"..." If on your call, nobody comes forward, then go on, walk alone". I have tried to look the other way for long. Its time to walk alone now. The sadness didnt go away entirely, but i could feel fitting myself a lil more, into.... me. I look down at the comics i bought today and  i smiled. It has been an expensive outing today( comics are really expensive these days!). However, i was smiling once again and looking at them(the comics, i bought), i said , " Maybe YOU are my price for freedom".... THE END

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