Thursday, March 4, 2010

THe Good, The Bad and The Ugly

its not the good and the bad... its not very good , good and bad ... or v.good, good, bad and very bad... .
It is interesting why this term came into the existence... i dont know abt any of the historical context , but..  i believe its one's perspective, its the way when one sees things it makes sense to him.

So, why " the good , the bad and the ugly" ? Firstly, i would say that the first two terms are different from the third one. in other words, the good and the bad makes a kind of group while the third one is separate.
Here it goes: In our normal way of lives, we goes through many difficulties. i would say its not all the time painful, but its hard. We have our personal fears, our imperfections and then our interactions with other people, who are also suffering. Even if by perseverance u manage to clear all those, u still can fall. First through other people who want to hurt you and at times.... simply through bad luck., if nothing else( its most painful, if its the later, since u dont know what to do).    i SAID U CAN FALL, NOT U WILL :)

But allll of  these, i say this because i think the above is mighty lot more than simply words and thoughts, ... so alll of this, is mine or yours or a person's own. There are times when u see things that are so out of place or so rotten, that u say to urself that i dont want to make it a part of my universe. The moment u see them , u understand the difference, in that moment itself, between what u thought was ugly and what really is. You consciously make that decision and say to yourself that very clearly. You might accept the bad, as a kind of punishment for the things u did wrong.. u might say that u deserve that suffering for urself and its right in a way, but u will never accept that thing for the ugly.
So what is the good , th bad  and the ugly? The good, are all the little things that makes us smile and which we want to store so securely that at times, we even forget it is there. The Bad is the daily life, which we are still trying  to get accustomed to, the daily things which we want to go in certain way but doesnt and the things which we know is important but dont have time for. The Ugly , it is that bad that u cant handle or control. It is the things that if u thought really really seriously u know, u should protect urself and ur family from.

The funny thing however, is yesterday's ugly is today's bad  and this might continue as i move forward in life... But the spirit of standing still, the spirit of taking the brunt of the bad, fearing the ugly and smiling at the good things, although its getting fader and fader day by  day, is something that i think is Human.

P.S. Life is mostly not fair. The number of times, it makes sense to you, almost equal number of times, it WONT. Either curse the life or Enjoy the dilemma. Choice is and always have been yours.