Saturday, February 13, 2010

14/2/10---- 6.15am----Base Camp

Hey!! Good Morning to the world... How are ya, everyone??? i know u didnt expected me to be here at 6.15 am, (in fact i, myself is grinning)... today is the exam day,haha... I m having  tea and maggi... and at this hour it is amazing... it feels like going out on adventure..
Last night, i didnt sleep very well... and thats one of the reasons too that im up early..
the major reason im grinning is that i know this cud be the only time of the day when im doing this... Who had seen the future right..., all i know is this moment is amazing and it wont come back.... and everything else i have resigned to the hands of God...( may sound a little stereotypical, but thats the way it should be, man)...

The weather is amazing too.
U have a great day ahead... i will try to. ... ( now is th time for action.. otherwise i wud be late.. :))
see ya!!

P.S. Happy Valentine's Day!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dark Blue Night........

Life....  there have a number of ways of expressing it. I myself do that many times. Yes, its baffling.
Here is one more piece of wisdom...  to me( smiling) : -
Life is about good and bad... However life is also about pleasure and happiness...  and in a way , the  comparison is as stark as good and bad...  completely opposite sides of a pole. Pleasure is when things happen as u planned it , when u KNOW that u have the power to accept or reject things at the same time, .... in one line when life is under ur control......
However, we know that it doesnt happen that way...  There are times when u realise that things are out of ur reach... sometimes, that u cant control urself or control certain aspects of ur life .... when u have to accept things...... however if u can turn that moment to ur advantage( for that just be urself and keep a general lazy relaxed attitude).. u realise happiness.. u realise that the walls that are around u are not made by "shouldnt " or " couldnt" but by ur own imagination. So if u can question those walls there abt their creator, abt their wanting to be around u, u can see the solution. Its will be the voice of the Divine... Happiness..... Simply Happiness ...... and the urge to taste the moment. U will be mad at that time... High on life... not sprinting around here and there... no no... but a healthy impatience inside ur heart ... slowly and surely... urging u to move forward and take life into ur own hands.

So while pleasure is high on indulgence, happiness is high on spirit. Both are Equally Necessary, pleasure is definitely necessary . In life.... always run after pleasure, thats how it should be...running with focus keeping ur mind clear abt ur goal. However, if just in case things go wrong remember it is the will of the divine to follow him... and his voice which will clearly make itself self heard.

" Life is not mountain but its like the sea; its not abt standing alone quietly to have peace, but its abt going with the ups and downs of the wave........ u can be up , and u cud be down.. but always be   you. Keep the focus"

Sunday, February 7, 2010

all right i am checking...